Junio C Hamano <gits...@pobox.com> wrote: > It turns out that some people use third-party tools that fetch from > remote and update the remote-tracking branches behind users' back, > defeating the safety relying on the stability of the remote-tracking > branches.
Third-party tools are not the only problem. They may make the problem more likely to occur, but it can also happen without them. (See below.) > Let's disable the form that relies on the stability of remote-tracking > branches by default, and allow users who _know_ their remote-tracking > branches are stable to enable it with a configuration variable. I'm wondering if people who claim they know they are safe really do. Elsewhere in the other thread somebody said "I only ever explicitly fetch, so I know I'm safe". Are you sure? Consider this example: $ git checkout the-branch-i-am-collaborating-on-with-my-collegue $ git pull # make sure I have their latest work $ git rebase -i ... # do some history rewriting # OK, so as we need to force-push anyway, let's take the opportunity and # rebase onto the latest master: $ git fetch # get latest master $ git rebase origin/master $ git push --force-with-lease This is a very common thing to do at my workplace. And it's unsafe, because the git fetch may move the remote-tracking branch of the branch I'm working on. To make this safe, I guess you'd have to replace "git fetch" with something like $ git fetch refs/heads/master:refs/remotes/origin/master Personally I have never used this form of fetch myself, and I'd be surprised if any of my coworkers even know it exists. So know you could decide that _any_ fetch is unsafe, and never use it; only use git pull. You are still not safe: $ git checkout the-branch-i-am-collaborating-on-with-my-collegue $ git pull $ git rebase -i # Now another collegue walks in and asks me to look at the regression # they just introduced on some other branch, so I do $ git checkout that-other-branch $ git pull $ <try to debug their problem> $ <can't find it either, giving up, shrug> # go back to what I was doing: $ git checkout the-branch-i-am-collaborating-on-with-my-collegue $ git push --force-with-lease Again, the git pull may have moved the remote-tracking branch of the branch that I want to force-push. Again, it could be solved by given an explicit refspec to git pull, but few people ever do this in my experience, and I certainly never want to. What I'm getting at is that there's a lot of things that you have to remember to not do in order to make --force-with-lease without parameter a useful tool. -- Stefan Haller Berlin, Germany http://www.haller-berlin.de/