On Wednesday 07 June 2017 03:35 AM, Philip Oakley wrote:
Maybe have a try at a patch to update the text? See the git/Documentation/SubmittingPatches for guidance.
I guess this should be trivial (correct me if I'm wrong). I'll try when I find time. In case I make the change which of the following message should replace the message 'Initial commit' ? (this could be a poll, I guess)

1. No commit yet
2. Waiting for initial commit
3. Your current branch does not have any commits

Further what is to be done about the following comment,

On Wednesday 07 June 2017 12:23 AM, Jeff King wrote:

There is a slight complication, though. There's similar text in "git status -sb", which shows: ## Initial commit on master Should that also change to use consistent terminology? If so, we need a phrasing short phrasing that matches (and the --porcelain and --porcelain=v2 formats of course would need to remain the same).

BTW, could anyone provide a pointer to the implementation that prints this message ?

Kaartic Sivaraam

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