On Tue, Jun 06, 2017 at 01:43:55PM +0200, SZEDER Gábor wrote:

> > An alternative ,with slightly less textual change, could be "Waiting for 
> > initial commit"
> > </bikeshed>
> We should consider orphan/unborn branches, too:
>   git (master)$ git checkout --orphan newroot
>   Switched to a new branch 'newroot'
>   git (newroot +)$ git reset --hard
>   git (newroot #)$ git status
>   On branch newroot
>   Initial commit
>   nothing to commit (create/copy files and use "git add" to track)
> A purely textual change will not be sufficient, I'm afraid.  Saying
> "Repository is empty" right after 'git init' is fine, I like it.
> However, on an unborn branch with empty index it would be just wrong.
> "Waiting for initial commit" is much better even in this case, but I
> still don't like that "initial", though I can't say why, and don't
> have any better suggestion either.  Though users experienced enough to
> create an empty unborn branch would probably not be confused by that.

I agree. If the state we are describing is limited to the current
branch, how about saying so? Like "Your current branch has no commits".


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