Am 10.03.2017 um 09:18 schrieb Jeff King:
On Fri, Mar 10, 2017 at 01:14:16AM +0100, René Scharfe wrote:

  2. Ones which just copy a single object, like:

       memcpy(&dst, &src, sizeof(dst));

     Perhaps we should be using struct assignment like:

       dst = src;

     here. It's safer and it should give the compiler more room to
     optimize. The only downside is that if you have pointers, it is
     easy to write "dst = src" when you meant "*dst = *src".

Compilers can usually inline memcpy(3) calls, but assignments are
shorter and more pleasing to the eye, and we get a type check for
free.  How about this?

Yeah, I mostly wasn't sure how people felt about "shorter and more
pleasing". It _is_ shorter and there's less to get wrong. But the
memcpy() screams "hey, I am making a copy" and is idiomatic to at least
a certain generation of C programmers.

I guess something like COPY(dst, src) removes the part that you can get
wrong, while still screaming copy. It's not idiomatic either, but at
least it stands out. I dunno.

Yes ...

I think this misses the other two cases: (*dst, src) and (*dst, *src).

... and that's why I left them out. You can't get dst vs. *dst wrong with structs (at least not without the compiler complaining); only safe transformations are included in this round.


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