On 02/03/17 11:24, Johannes Schindelin wrote:
> Hi Lars,
> On Thu, 2 Mar 2017, Lars Schneider wrote:
>> One thing that still bugs me: In the Linux32 environment prove adds the
>> CPU times to every test run: ( 0.02 usr  0.00 sys +  0.00 cusr  0.00
>> csys ...  Has anyone an idea why that happens and how we can disable it?
> I have no idea.

I have no idea either, but it is not unique to this 32bit Linux, but
rather the version of prove. For example, I am seeing this on Linux
Mint 18.1 (64bit _and_ 32bit), whereas Linux Mint 17.x did not do
this. (They used different Ubuntu LTS releases).

[Mint 18.1 'prove --version' says: TAP::Harness v3.35 and Perl v5.22.1]

Ramsay Jones

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