On 17 February 2017 at 00:38, Junio C Hamano <gits...@pobox.com> wrote:
> Having said all that, I do not think the remainder of the code is
> prepared to take "-", not yet anyway [*1*], so turning "-" into
> "@{-1}" this patch does before it calls get_sha1_basic(), while it
> is not an ideal final state, is probably an acceptable milestone to
> stop at.

So, is it okay to stop with just supporting "-" and not support things
like "-@{yesterday}"?

Matthieu's comments on the matter:

    Siddharth Kannan <kannan.siddhart...@gmail.com> writes:

    > As per Matthieu's comments, I have updated the tests, but there
is still one
    > thing that is not working: log -@{yesterday} or log -@{2.days.ago}

    Note that I did not request that these things work, just that they seem
    to be relevant tests: IMHO it's OK to reject them, but for example we
    don't want them to segfault. And having a test is a good hint that you
    thought about what could happen and to document it.

[Quoted from email <vpqa89mnl4z....@anie.imag.fr>]

> It is a separate matter if this patch is sufficient to produce
> correct results, though.  I haven't studied the callers of this
> change to make sure yet, and may find bugs in this approach later.


Best Regards,

- Siddharth Kannan.

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