> If I create a bare _clone_, then "HEAD" could be detached, or point to some 
> branch, depending on where "HEAD" is in the source repo

I didn't mean a clone, I meant a brand-new (bare) repo.  Then I would
clone it somewhere, add commits and branches, and push them to the
bare repo.

> If source repo's HEAD is "master", I got the same behavior (worktree add 
> fails)

So if it's possible for a bare repo to have HEAD pointing at master,
is there a safe way for me to change this (e.g., as a cleanup step
before doing my actual merge process)?

On Mon, Oct 10, 2016 at 4:45 AM, Duy Nguyen <pclo...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Sun, Oct 9, 2016 at 8:42 PM, Michael Tutty <mtu...@gforgegroup.com> wrote:
>> Dennis,
>> Thanks for the great response, and for spending time on my issue.
>> I'll try that first patch and see what happens.
>> In the meantime, it got weirder...
>> I created a brand-new (bare) repo
> Elaboration needed here. If I create a bare _clone_, then "HEAD" could
> be detached, or point to some branch, depending on where "HEAD" is in
> the source repo. If source repo's HEAD is "master", I got the same
> behavior (worktree add fails). If it's detached or points to some
> other branch, it's ok. If this is "git init --bare" then I got "fatal:
> invalid reference: master".
>> and was able to git add worktree
>> /path master.  I was able to do this repeatedly, even using the
>> worktree to merge other branches to master.  I didn't find any
>> condition or step that caused some kind of orphan master work tree,
>> which was what I thought the underlying problem might be.
> --
> Duy

Michael Tutty, CTO

e: mtu...@gforgegroup.com
t: @mtutty, @gforgegroup
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