>< snip >
>> >
>> A very fair question!  The answer is simply that the colours in the print
>> far more "natural" than those in my newly digitised slide.  For example,
>> the print the sky contains grey, rainy looking clouds below a pale,
>> background of higher cloud.  The digitised slide makes the grey clouds
>> blue, and the background cloud layer has splashes of yellow!  A
>> change is in the mountain peak below the clouds - formerly a steely grey
>> colour, it is now quite bluish.  The view in this picture is one with
which I
>> was very familiar, and I am certainly more comfortable with a grey
>> than a bluish one!
>> Are you using the restore.py plug-in?  If so, can you enlighten me as to
>> mechanics of adding this to my version of GIMP?
>There is lots of useful information to be found in 
>Might I suggest you have a look there and then, if there is anything
>more you would like to know, or discuss, please come back here.

After a lot of too-ing and fro-ing, plus an element of magic, I actually
found the "Restore" item in the menu!

I then tried two scanned slides with Restore.  The one I have described
already (boy in Napoleon outfit in front of mountain) and another, a field of
red poppies with fringing bushes.  The former showed little change after
trying all variations of Restore, notably that the blue tinge was not
lightened and the yellow splashes in the sky stayed there.  The poppies,
however, did shown an improvement in that the fringing bushes certainly became
more green than before.

Having no instructions for using Restore, I assume I used in correctly - I
suppose there's not much more to be done than ring the changes on the

Where does one find the file referred to earlier - photorestore.pdf?


Alanp (via www.gimpusers.com)
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