< snip >
> >
> A very fair question!  The answer is simply that the colours in the print are
> far more "natural" than those in my newly digitised slide.  For example, in
> the print the sky contains grey, rainy looking clouds below a pale, whitish
> background of higher cloud.  The digitised slide makes the grey clouds more
> blue, and the background cloud layer has splashes of yellow!  A comparable
> change is in the mountain peak below the clouds - formerly a steely grey
> colour, it is now quite bluish.  The view in this picture is one with which I
> was very familiar, and I am certainly more comfortable with a grey mountain
> than a bluish one!
> Are you using the restore.py plug-in?  If so, can you enlighten me as to the
> mechanics of adding this to my version of GIMP?
There is lots of useful information to be found in 


Might I suggest you have a look there and then, if there is anything
more you would like to know, or discuss, please come back here.


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