On 8/7/05, Peter Karlsson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Ok, perhaps I need to elaborate... First open an picture (which
> should be rectangular in shape). Then copy the picture (or a part
> of it). Create a new pic (under File/New). Paste (a regular paste
> into the new pic). Click on the rotate icon and then click on the
> pasted layer. Rotate arbitrarily and confirm by pressing the "Rotate"
> button. 

YES.  You *should* elaborate.  The reason this is happening is because
your picture is in a selection floating above the picture!  Why is
this useful?  So I can paste something, and then move it around a bit
to figure out where I want it.

Solution:  Click outside the selection boundaries before rotating.

 - Just my two cents
 - No man is an island, and no man is unable.
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