Guillermo S. Romero / Familia Romero [gimp-user] <08/11/02 15:54 +0100>:
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] (2002-11-08 at 1318.34 +0000):
> > alternatevely framed in red. But Alt-clicking on the same tumbnail I
> > do not see any effect. I expect to see the thumbnail framed in green
> > and the mask appear in the image but nothing of the kind is occurring
> > and nothing is signalled by the Gimp.
> Moving selections could also fail (uses Alt too). Check the startup
> tips.
> > What should I do, check (or whatever verb you like)?
> Probably your window manager is playing tricks. Some wm like to use
> Alt+Click for things (and Alt+Move and so on), so the apps never see
> that operation. You will have to change your wm to use some spare
> keys. Super and Hyper are rarely used by apps, and you can do
> remapping with xkeycaps..

I forgot to say that I use gnome 1.4 and sawfish. Is this the case
you're referring to in your message?


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