Am Freitag, 26. März 2010 schrieb Dale:

> Ooooohhhhhh.  Please permit me to add one more needed feature then.
> GUI.  Some of my pics are nested pretty deep, because of my organizing
> skills or lack thereof.  LOL
> [...]
> This reminds me of the cereal isle in a grocery store.  We stand there
> trying to pick which one we want and 80% of them are made from corn.
> Basically the same thing but different and we can't choose the one we want.

That’s easy - I take the big value pack. It’s cheaper per kilogram than the 
really good stuff, but still tastes better than the cheap stuff.

But back to the topic:
I believe xv hasn’t been mentioned yet. It’s an old generic image viewer for X 
with editing capabilities.

I use Gimp for all editing though. I’m OK with the loading time, because 
nothing compares to it feature-wise. I tried krita, but I didn’t like its 
shortcomings at navigating in a big/zoomed image. In Gimp I can use (shift and 
ctrl plus) the scroll wheel, in Krita, all of those do the same.
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