Dale wrote:
Philip Webb wrote:
100325 Dale wrote:
Philip Webb wrote:
100325 Dale wrote:
Does someone here use something that is fast to load, small,
will work with KDE and adjust brightness/contrast
I installed it but can't find any brightness/contrast controls.
Do I have to do something to enable them or something?
  [ebuild N ] media-gfx/geeqie-1.0_beta2-r1 USE="exif -lcms -lirc -xmp"
Is the lcms option needed for this?
It is color management according to 'euse -i'.
Sorry, I remembered the color management stuff (I have 'lcms')&  assumed
it also handled brightness/contrast, but on further inspection, it doesn't.

Krita claims to manipulate images, but I don't have it installed.

That's OK. I installed it and have to admit it looked nice. I like GIMP to but it is seriously overkill for this. I'm going to try Krita and see what it looks like.


:-)  :-)

I got this installed but this is about like GIMP. It takes a while to load and is somewhat complicated to me, although it looks really nice. It took about 30 seconds just to open the brightness/contrast tool. The app took about a minute or two which is about like GIMP.

Anything simpler than this? The old Kview, I think that was the name, opens in just a few seconds and was really easy to use. It was simple and fast.

In case someone else runs up on this, it pulls in a lot of dependencies too. I use kde-meta and it still pulled in several other packages. If you don't like GIMP, this is worth looking into.

I have days where I just want to keep using KDE3.  :/


:-)  :-)

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