On 3/11/10, Mark Knecht <markkne...@gmail.com> wrote:
> to determine whether this package provides it. I cannot do that as I
> don't have lzma-utils on my systems anymore.

Well, that can be sort of done with, e.g.:

ebuild /usr/portage/app-arch/lzma-utils/lzma-utils-4.32.7.ebuild install

It will run emerge phases until the system creates the installation
image, but it won't merge the files into their proper locations in the
file system. Listing files in the image directory shows all the five
liblzmadec.* files (or symlinks) that would get installed.

> If you don't have  lzma-utils on your system anymore then erase
> /usr/lib64/liblzmadec.la by hand and run revdep-rebuild -ip again and
> see if it's clean.

Yes, this whole issue smells like an overblown orphaned .la-file
issue. Package manager cannot help much with such, and IMHO it's not a
bug (well maybe in the package manager, but let's not start that
flamewar ;) ).

Anyway, if it were me I'd nuke the file in a heartbeat, but if OP is
too timid for that, he can also quarantine the file first, i.e., move
it to some other path where it won't cause trouble (and then delete
later). Also, (from the bug) his libarchive.la seems to still list the
.la, so he should re-emerge libarchive after moving away the orphaned
.la-file (or use lafilefixer?).

Still, there is something funny with paludis, as so many people using
it seem to have so many problems with orphaned libtool archive files.
Ahem, even the warning from exherbo front page is gone nowadays. Is it
production quality now? o.O

Arttu V.

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