Hi Mark,

> 1) What profile are you using? (eselect profile list)
> 2) USE flags from make.conf
    nls -kde -qt3 qt4 dvd alsa cdr X a52 aac acpi apm -arts \
bash-completion bzip2 crypt dbus dts dvdr ffmpeg flac gif hal hddtemp \
iconv jpeg jpeg2k latex libnotify lm_sensors mad mp3 mpeg mpi mplayer \
nsplugin ogg opengl pdf raw sdl sharedmem sockets spell sse2 ssl svg \
svga taglib threads usb -vim-syntax vorbis wifi win32codecs \
xcomposite xvid zlib truetype type1 avi dvdread mjpeg subtitles sse \
mmx ssse3 emacs pmu nvidia beagle bluetooth

> 3) Current results of emerge -pvDuN @world  (assuming portage 2.2 or 
> higher...)
Sadly, I cannot use emerge on my system. The problem may be paludis
related (I also asked in the paludis mailing liist) but I doubt it.

> 4) results of revdep-rebuild -ip
reconcilio finds gvfs as a broken only package:
  * gnome-base/gvfs-1.2.3::installed
      /usr/libexec/gvfsd-archive (requires liblzmadec.so.0)

> I don't know what else to suggest at this point. I've got the stable
> version emerged. I haven't had any problems myself but Gentoo is
> always a bit different from user to user.
No problem, I will see what other things I can try. I'm far from being
a gentoo expert, so that might be the process of discovering the error


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