>I'm also pretty sure that Gentoo doesn't do development work on Gnome,
Fluxbox, Apache, >MySql and other packages.  They just make ebuilds and put
them in the tree so people can use >them.

if there is something unconvenient with used on the software ,gentoo will
talk to the authors still , right ? like ibus last time  (i just heard it
from my friend)

2010/1/6 Dale <rdalek1...@gmail.com>

> Stroller wrote:
>> On 5 Jan 2010, at 23:33, Dale wrote:
>>> ...
>>> Gentoo wasn't at fault here.  KDE was the one that dropped the ball.
>>>  Gentoo had to follow the knuckle heads at KDE tho.
>>> Dale
>> Between KDE & Gentoo, aren't most contributors volunteers? In volunteer
>> development it's normal & necessary to focus on the features that one needs
>> most. I can really understand KDE's position that downstream distros - Red
>> Hat & Canonical both have paid developers - can continue maintenance on a
>> codebase that is no longer receiving their primary attention.
>> Stroller.
> So, KDE is maintaining KDE 3.5?  If KDE is/was maintaining KDE 3.5 then
> Gentoo would still have it in the tree.  If KDE is not supporting KDE 3.5
> then Gentoo has to drop it, as things break and develop security issues.
>  Again, this is not Gentoo's fault for not developing KDE 3.5, it is KDE
> that dropped it.  What Redhat does most likely won't affect what Gentoo
> does.  I don't use Redhat but I do use Gentoo.
> Dale
> :-)  :-)

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