Stroller wrote:
On 5 Jan 2010, at 23:33, Dale wrote:
Gentoo wasn't at fault here. KDE was the one that dropped the ball.
Gentoo had to follow the knuckle heads at KDE tho.
Between KDE & Gentoo, aren't most contributors volunteers? In
volunteer development it's normal & necessary to focus on the features
that one needs most. I can really understand KDE's position that
downstream distros - Red Hat & Canonical both have paid developers -
can continue maintenance on a codebase that is no longer receiving
their primary attention.
So, KDE is maintaining KDE 3.5? If KDE is/was maintaining KDE 3.5 then
Gentoo would still have it in the tree. If KDE is not supporting KDE
3.5 then Gentoo has to drop it, as things break and develop security
issues. Again, this is not Gentoo's fault for not developing KDE 3.5,
it is KDE that dropped it. What Redhat does most likely won't affect
what Gentoo does. I don't use Redhat but I do use Gentoo.
I'm also pretty sure that Gentoo doesn't do development work on Gnome,
Fluxbox, Apache, MySql and other packages. They just make ebuilds and
put them in the tree so people can use them.
:-) :-)