091207 Neil Bothwick wrote:
> On Sun, 6 Dec 2009 14:49:44 -0500, Philip Webb wrote:
>> I know that from my home-made list of pkgs which I have installed,
>> where they are marked with 'W' & system pkgs with 'S'.
>> Yes, I do have to keep it upto-date as I do emerges.
>> One of the major deficiencies of Gentoo is
>> that it doesn't provide such a file automatically.
> emerge -p @system
> emerge -p @world

  root:501 ~> emerge -p @system
    !!! '@system' is not a valid package atom.
    !!! Please check ebuild(5) for full details.
  root:502 ~> emerge -p @world
    !!! '@world' is not a valid package atom.
    !!! Please check ebuild(5) for full details.

'man 5 ebuild' has nothing relevant to '@' 'system' 'world' '-p'.
I'm using the latest stable Portage- .

Any further advice ?

Let me emphasise yet again: the way I do things has been successful
on  2  machines for more than  6  years; it's others who have problems
doing it their way & regularly seek advice on this list as a result.

SUPPORT     ___________//___,   Philip Webb
ELECTRIC   /] [] [] [] [] []|   Cities Centre, University of Toronto
TRANSIT    `-O----------O---'   purslowatchassdotutorontodotca

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