091206 Alan McKinnon wrote:
> On Saturday 05 December 2009 21:09:50 Philip Webb wrote:
>> Please read what I said & hopefully think briefly before responding.
>> If the pkg is already in 'world', it's 'emerge <pkg>';
>> if not -- the more frequent case -- , it's 'emerge -1 <pkg>'.
>> That keeps everything in order (yes, you have to watch what you do).
> Rather *always* use -1,
> then you don't have to keep track in your head what is and isn't in world.

I know that from my home-made list of pkgs which I have installed,
where they are marked with 'W' & system pkgs with 'S'.
Yes, I do have to keep it upto-date as I do emerges.
One of the major deficiencies of Gentoo is
that it doesn't provide such a file automatically.

> You will likely finish your update session with -p --depclean anyway,

I have never used 'depclean' for anything: reports suggest it's unreliable.
I do regularly use 'equery d <pkg>' & remove pkgs which are not required.
I always move the entry to the 'removed' list in my installed-pkg index,
where I can check for recent removals, if there is a problem (rare).

> Much easier than trying to keep world in your head
> and avoids world pollution when you will inevitably get it wrong,
> which requires you to examine all 128 entries in world & hand-edit it.

As I've tried to make clear, I'm careful when I do my weekly update.
Also, 'eix-sync' output & 'emerge -Dup' show world pkgs in bold type.

> Some things humans are exceptionally bad at and computers are
> exceptionally good at. Let portage do what portage does best.

Portage has improved a lot, but it's still far from perfect.
Machines are servants, humans remain their masters.

As I've said twice already, I've been doing all this for  6  years
& have never run into the problems which are regularly reported by others.

SUPPORT     ___________//___,   Philip Webb
ELECTRIC   /] [] [] [] [] []|   Cities Centre, University of Toronto
TRANSIT    `-O----------O---'   purslowatchassdotutorontodotca

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