daid kahl wrote:
I'm not 100% sure but I think eix-test-obsolete will find things like this.
It will also scan the /etc/portage/package.* files and a few other things
as well.
Be forewarned, the output can be pretty . . . . large. lol It mostly
depends on how out of date things are. Mine is usually huge. Thanks
goodness for Konsole and being able to scroll up.
You put no-limit on the scroll-back lines, right?
Yep, it was set to like 1000 or something but I changed it. I can
scroll back to the start of OOo for example. It does take a while tho.
Sadly I switched away from KDE and so I'm using Terminal now and not
Konsole, and it doesn't seem to have the 'no-limit' scroll-back
option, so I think I just hit the 9 key a bunch and said ok.
Of course, I do like that Terminal has actual borderless mode, and
that if I go fullscreen I don't get a thin border drawn around the
screen. Yeah...I'm a whiner...but if I say full screen, I mean full
This is why I'm sticking with KDE I guess. I'm a little upset that they
are dropping KDE 3 long before KDE 4 is ready and usable for me but
kde-sunset is working so far. Bad thing is, if I end up switching, I
most likely won't switch back. Sort of reminds me of my ex, when I left
I was done.
When I have had enough of something, I've had enough.
:-) :-)