Am 02.10.2009 08:25, schrieb Arthur D.:
>> I really don't see your problem.
>> All that was needed here on my box was setting VIM as my editor of
>> choice (I preferer to do that per-user so no setting of anything in rc
>> or /etc/env.d) and VISUDO accepted it. No magic involved.
> Sebastian, I already fixed the problem for my local host. But I know
> other users have same problem. That's strange for me that you first
> login as root to use visudo program. What is the matter of having sudo
> then?

Maybe you should READ what people write BEFORE you answer.
I have written that I started it from root because I never before used
sudo on my system so that my non-root-user can't use sudo visudo.

> Once again, try running "sudo visudo" as unprivileged user (that's right,
> sudo is used to make root stuff without logging with root ;-) )

Ok, I comment out
%wheel  ALL=(ALL) ALL
so that my user could use "sudo visudo".
Hey.. Great.. It started visudo with VIM.

So again.. What are you complaining about??



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