On Fri, 2 Oct 2009 00:54:50 +0100, Stroller wrote:

> > I think you need to re-read the ebuild. sudo depends on virtual/ 
> > editor,
> > not nano. Nowhere is nano hardcoded to be a requirement of sudo. On  
> > the
> > other hand, if you went with the upstream settings, you'd need to  
> > add vim
> > as a dependency, even for those that don't wish to use it. Forcing  
> > such
> > things on the user is most definitely not the Gentoo Way.  
> You appear to be demonstrating that you don't fully understand the  
> problem:
> 828 ~ $ grep nano /usr/portage/app-admin/sudo/sudo-1.7.2_p1.ebuild
>       # XXX: /bin/vi may not be available, make nano visudo's default.
>               --with-editor=/bin/nano \
How so? That config option for sudo sets the DEFAULT editor, what to use
if nothing is defined in the config file or environment variable. That's
what both my text and the portion of the ebuild that you have quoted
state. It in no way forces the use of nano in order to use visudo. If
that were the case, DEPENDS would specify nano instead of accepting

visudo is not hard coded to use nano, or even $EDITOR, you can set it to
use whatever you want. The ebuild merely makes sure the default tallies
with the default for $EDITOR. 

Neil Bothwick

I have plenty of talent and vision. I just don't give a damn.

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