On Thu, Oct 01, 2009 at 05:08:16PM +0100, Stroller wrote:
> On 1 Oct 2009, at 16:40, Stroller wrote:
> > ...
> > So it seems to me that you're right. It appears like maybe when  
> > `sudo` detects that it's running `visudo` it does seem to ignore  
> > $EDITOR. I, too, disagree with this behaviour. IMO the ebuild ("-- 
> > with-editor=/bin/nano") take the editor from "/etc/rc.conf", but I'm  
> > extremely curious why upstream makes this behaviour, anyway.
> Actually READING the bug actually showed a number of reasoned  
> responses to the OP's complaint.
> I don't think you'll have much luck debating this: since upstream  
> hardcodes it, it comes down largely to the nano-as-default-editor  
> argument, which was first made in the Paleolithic era and which has  
> been hotly debated without change since.
> I now appear unable to access that bug:
> http://bugs.gentoo.org/show_bug.cgi?id=286017
> Thanks for that.
> Stroller.

I'm unable to read the bug as well, which I find bothersome (how many
bugs have they hidden from users?).

However, I'm also wondering why the ebuild doesn't make use of the
EDITOR variable as was mentioned. This defaults to nano so it should
work fine in a default install, and would avoid issues like this which
seems to be an arguement that the dev(s) are trying to force specific
programs on the users.

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