On 10/01/2009 11:58 AM, Arthur D. wrote:
> Neil Bothwick <n...@digimed.co.uk> писал(а) в своём письме Thu, 01 Oct
> 2009 18:45:20 +0300:
>>> My quests leaded me to the ebuild
>>> of sudo. And I saw this nice shiny line there:
>>> --with-editor=/bin/nano
>>> P.S. Having defaults is not bad. But they should not override our
>>> favourites.
>> What you you think that line in the ebuild does? It changes the *default*
>> editor for visudo. If you want something else, all you need to do is set
>> your system up accordingly as described in the installation instructions
>> of the handbook.
>> PS Good luck getting anything changed to suit your demands with your
>> attitude. You don't pay the devs enough for them to put up with that.
> OK. One more time.
> 1. emerge -C nano
> 2. emerge vim
> 3. export EDITOR=`which vim`
> 4. Or do eselect editor -> env-update ; or edit /etc/rc.conf -> env-update
> 5. Reemerge sudo if you wish (it will not change anything)
> 6. Relogin
> 7. Run "sudo visudo"
> You get this:
> visudo: no editor found (editor path = /bin/nano)

Step 5a: echo 'Defaults editor=/usr/bin/vim' >> /etc/sudoers

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