Neil Bothwick <> писал(а) в своём письме Thu, 01 Oct
2009 18:45:20 +0300:
My quests leaded me to the ebuild
of sudo. And I saw this nice shiny line there:
P.S. Having defaults is not bad. But they should not override our
What you you think that line in the ebuild does? It changes the *default*
editor for visudo. If you want something else, all you need to do is set
your system up accordingly as described in the installation instructions
of the handbook.
PS Good luck getting anything changed to suit your demands with your
attitude. You don't pay the devs enough for them to put up with that.
OK. One more time.
1. emerge -C nano
2. emerge vim
3. export EDITOR=`which vim`
4. Or do eselect editor -> env-update ; or edit /etc/rc.conf -> env-update
5. Reemerge sudo if you wish (it will not change anything)
6. Relogin
7. Run "sudo visudo"
You get this:
visudo: no editor found (editor path = /bin/nano)
Best regards, Spinal