On Donnerstag 01 Oktober 2009, Arthur D. wrote:
> Hello, happy Gentoo users! I'm new on this distro, so I'm sorry if you
> consider to be stupid what I gonna say.
> Many of us prefer editors other than nano. Some of us believe in ideas of
> freedom and choice which Gentoo provides us with. But...
> There're ones who prefer primitive hardcoding over giving the enduser to
> choose. There're defaults set by someone, that you should respect.
> Because... Just because he wants so. Because you are nothing. Just another
> ungrateful user...
> An example?
> The package SUDO. It is one of the most mandatory packages in distro.
> But it totally ignores the enduser's favor in editing.
> It just hardcodes what the ebuild's maintainer decided. Once and forever.
> Do you want to remove nano from your system? DON'T DO THAT! Or you gonna
> get some issues, you shouldn't get, if the things work as expected.
> I just installed VIM with emerge, and removed nano because I considered
> it to be absolutely unnecessary in my system. Why I need nano? I am a VIM
> fan. And here the troubles begin...
> Run "sudo visudo" and you get this:
>       ~ $ sudo visudo
> visudo: no editor found (editor path = /bin/nano)
>       ~ $ env | grep -i edit
> EDITOR=/usr/bin/vim
> What a surprise! Hm... Possibly I did something wrong when setting my
> system, that terminates me with this error?..
> So I was forced to spend my time analysing what is wrong with the package
> and how to fix that. Because I remember it was working as expected in my
> previous LFS (linuxfromscratch) system. My quests leaded me to the ebuild
> of sudo. And I saw this nice shiny line there:
> --with-editor=/bin/nano
> Stop. I don't use nano. I even don't have it! But the ebuild doesn't check
> if nano is installed. No care. It was just like said to me:
> "Hey, you are just a stupid moron! Who removes default editor? He-he..."
> I asked the ebuild maintainer to fix this behaviour. And what did he say?
> "You should read manual page of sudo in order to make it work as expected.
> To make it respect your preferences. And I don't care what editor you
> prefer. Nano is Gentoo default editor!!! You understand? Stop boring me!
> I will not change anything! Ha-ha..."
> Actually it was said in other words but the idea is same.
> Looks like the principle "it just works" is not for Gentoo users.
> If you don't agree with ignoring of your preferences,
> please vote for this bug:
> http://bugs.gentoo.org/votes.cgi?action=show_user&bug_id=286017#vote_286017
> P.S. Having defaults is not bad. But they should not override our
> favourites.
> Thank you.
> --
> Best regards, Spinal

and isn't the real upstream hard coded editor vim?

so.. how about... you know... don't get your panties in a knot about nothing?

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