Alan McKinnon wrote:
> On Tuesday 23 June 2009 01:17:16 Dale wrote:
>> Neil Bothwick wrote:
>>> On Mon, 22 Jun 2009 15:51:31 +0000 (UTC), James wrote:
>>>> I'm mostly running stable with exceptions being enabled
>>>> via the /etc/portage file structure. Usually it's small,
>>>> but now with kde4, BLOAT is my modus operandi,
>>>> not by choice......
>>> It's easier to manage if you make portage.keywords a directory then put
>>> the actual packages in files within that directory. That way you can
>>> separate the files needed to run KDE4 from any other group of packages.
>>> All package.* files in /etc/portage can be replaced a directories, then
>>> all the files in that directory are considered as a whole.
>> For some reason, my light bulb has still not came on so here comes some
>> questions.  I would create /etc/portage/package.keywords then inside
>> that another directory or a set of files?  Say, one named KDE4 to put
>> all of KDE4 and it's little friends and then another for some other set
>> of packages?  Is this sort of like the sets thing which I am still
>> curious about?
> Yes, precisely. 
> If package.keywords is a single file, then all your keywords must be in that 
> file. This is difficult for ebuilds to manipulate, and difficult for you to 
> edit too. If I send you my list of KDE keywords, you have to copy paste the 
> lot into a file and put comments at the start and end so you know what it all 
> is.
> If package.keywords is a directory, then portage/ebuilds/tools/you can add 
> and 
> remove entire files easily, leaving everything else untouched.
>> Right now, package.keywords and friends are files not directories.
>> Maybe tarring up your portage directory and emailing me off list would
>> help?  I need a light bulb moment here.  :/
> It's easy. As root:
> cd /etc/portage
> mv package.keywords package.keywords~
> mkdir package.keywords
> mv package.keywords~ package.keywords/package.keywords
> The destination file in the last command can be named anything you like. 
> Now, if you install enlightenment, create and edit 
> /etc/portage/package.keywords/e17
> If I send you my KDE keywords as an attachment, right-click, Save As, 
> /etc/portage/package.keywords/kde4
> Done, sorted.

This sounds cool.  I don't unmask a lot or anything but something like
KDE 4 comes to mind for this.  That requires a lot of work.  I'm going
to have to check to see if autounmask supports this too.

Thanks much.  Light bulb is glowing a bit now.  o_O


:-)  :-) 

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