Neil Bothwick wrote:
> On Mon, 22 Jun 2009 15:51:31 +0000 (UTC), James wrote:
>> I'm mostly running stable with exceptions being enabled
>> via the /etc/portage file structure. Usually it's small,
>> but now with kde4, BLOAT is my modus operandi, 
>> not by choice......
> It's easier to manage if you make portage.keywords a directory then put
> the actual packages in files within that directory. That way you can
> separate the files needed to run KDE4 from any other group of packages.
> All package.* files in /etc/portage can be replaced a directories, then
> all the files in that directory are considered as a whole.

For some reason, my light bulb has still not came on so here comes some
questions.  I would create /etc/portage/package.keywords then inside
that another directory or a set of files?  Say, one named KDE4 to put
all of KDE4 and it's little friends and then another for some other set
of packages?  Is this sort of like the sets thing which I am still
curious about?

Right now, package.keywords and friends are files not directories. 
Maybe tarring up your portage directory and emailing me off list would
help?  I need a light bulb moment here.  :/


:-)  :-)

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