On Mon, Apr 13, 2009 at 12:02 PM, Philip Webb <purs...@ca.inter.net> wrote:
> I also didn't mention that Kmahjongg 4.2.1 doesn't allow you > to edit the layout & its "traditional" tiles are ugly. Oh, I forgot about the games... Kolf is really really ugly now on KDE4... they changed the colors for no apparent reason. > Nor is Okular a match for Kpdf 3.5.10 . Okular's CHM handling is terrible (unusable), kchmviewer was 1000x better. I haven't had any issues with it and PDFs so far. > I tried (re)moving .kderc & .kde4 , but it doesn't alter the background: > does anyone else have any suggestions how to restore the KDE 3 version ? Did you use kdeprefix USE flag with kde4? I think it is required for having multiple KDE versions... otherwise it all gets mixed together. Also, I think there was some updated KDE 3.5.10 startup scripts at some point that fixed KDE4 compatibility, possibly you had yours installed before that. I could be wrong on that though since I abandoned KDE3 before 3.5.10 arrived.