I got KDE 4.2.1 installed with only a couple of bugs along the way.
I'm not impressed: there's some eye-candy, but usability is reduced.
There's a very limited choice of desktop backgrounds:
I like the 'No picture, pavement' choice in 3.5.10 with different colors,
but there's nothing similar in 4.2.1 .
I did something unexpected & froze a new panel -- 1 CPU at 100 % -- 
& managed to get back to "normal" only by deleting ~/.kde4/share .
Dolphin is pathetic compared with Thunar, let alone Krusader
(I've never tried Konqueror as a file manager).
I can't try the new Gwenview, as some of the new files clash with the old
& I'm certainly not unmerging the KDE 3 version.

I've gone back to 3.5.10 more or less, but am stuck with 4.2.1's desktop:
the background, R-click menu & 4.2.1 panel are still there & working
(no, trying to change it with the 3.5.10 CC has no effect).
Can anyone suggest what I have to delete to get all of 3.5.10 restored ?

I have a lot of respect for KDE developers over the past few years,
but they've badly underestimated the size of their task for KDE 4 .

Perhaps I should try Xfce 4.6 with some KDE 4 apps ... (smile)

SUPPORT     ___________//___,   Philip Webb
ELECTRIC   /] [] [] [] [] []|   Cities Centre, University of Toronto
TRANSIT    `-O----------O---'   purslowatchassdotutorontodotca

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