On Monday 30 March 2009 23:49:37 Volker Armin Hemmann wrote:
> On Monday 30 March 2009, Alan McKinnon wrote:
> > This doesn't seem to be my week with Konqueror. Suddenly my bank's
> > internet banking site won't work, claiming SSL errors.
> >
> > Could someone please double check using konqueror-4.2.1* if this link
> > works, or if I have done something stupid config-wise:
> well it works with 4.2.67 - and my bank's website works with 4.2.1 when I
> used it last week. You have done a revdep-rebuilt?

Yes, lately I've been doing emerge world|depclean|revdep-rebuild almost daily, 
and it's been over a month since something failed.

But I just noticed that I have some kde-testing packages installed. No idea 
how they got there as I reverted to portage-tree only for KDE some time back. 
I must have wanted to check something in the overlay and forgot to remove it 
when done.

So I'll remove the overlay, rebuild, test again and report back the results.

alan dot mckinnon at gmail dot com

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