On 18 Sep 2008, at 21:00, ert256 wrote:
/media/sda5 is ntfs mounted in rea-only mode
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/media# df -h
Filesystem            Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/sda5              31G   29G  2.3G  93% /media/sda5
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~# du -h --summarize /media/sda5/
19G     /media/sda5/
I cannot fire up windows, because it is dangerous, and that windows on
this machine is broken.
Question is : Where is missing 10G on NTFS partition ? Can I safely
clean disk without risk of data loss?

This isn't a Vista-formatted disk, is it by any chance?

NTFS file-systems written (created?) by Vista add some new & special features. You shouldn't write to the system disk of a Vista PC from Windows XP, for instance, and I suspect that Linux's support has not fully caught up yet.

It's not clear from your post whether you want to get this Windows installtion back in commission or whether you're just worried that, in the process of backing it up, you might overlook some of the data on the drive. Best advice is to reinstall the o/s on a new hard-drive, copy all the files from this one into a folder called "Old Stuff" and hang on to the old drive for a month. During that time the user can rake through "Old Stuff" for their emails & photos, and once they're happy with the new system you don't have to care what was wrong with the old one.


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