Alan McKinnon ha scritto:

That's true enough, but I would still be mighty suspicious of those numbers.

He has a 31G filesystem, df says he has used 29G worth of blocks and du says the total amount of data in those blocks is 19G. The difference is always file allocation slack, but a full third of the filesystem?

It's not impossible of course. I don't know what the block size is on NTFS, but with 1k, you'd need 10 million files each 1 byte to consume 10G of slack. With 64k blocks it's something like 150,000 files. That's a whole lot of very very tiny files - not impossible, but highly unlikely in normal usage[1]

It looks like that disk could bear some investigation, even if only for peace of mind.


[1] I wouldn't be surprised if NTFS had some insane block allocation policy where this is quite common... or if MS has built some kind of hidden backup region (aka AllYouBaseAreBelongToUsFS) into the filesystem that is invisible to du

He said the Windows partition is infected. Could have some virus corrupted the filesystem?


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