On Fri, Jul 04, 2008 at 11:32:39AM +0100, Penguin Lover Graham Murray squawked:
> "Jason Messerschmitt" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > I've noticed an odd visual glitch with blogspot pages- it superimposes
> > my desktop on some pages. It's a bit hard to explain so here's a
> > pic. As far as I know it's only this page, but might be good fodder
> > for some of you troubleshooters out there.
> There is something which lots of people have noticed. The suggested
> solution, which worked for me, was to change the X acceleration from XAA
> to EXA in /etc/X11/xorg.conf. This will only work if your video driver
> supports EXA acceleration. 

Where is this suggestion mentioned? Is there a bug number?

I cannot use EXA on my laptop because of an old bug with
xorg-ati-radeon that gives a CPU spike with EXA. Furthermore, when I
experimented a small bit with using EXA (X and fvwm was very
unresponsive, but it doesn't crash), most of the sites with the visual
glitch problem were "fixed", but a few different ones started having a
different glitch, and a few of the sites that had a glitch now has a
more minor, less noticeable glitch. 

I would like to track this bug/forum post to see if a more mature
solution is proposed. 

"If I could choose between a second brain and a detachable stomach, I would 
 definitely choose the stomach. I mean, then I could eat a lot, dump it all 
 out, and simply continue eating, without any health worries! Whereas, I am 
 perfectly happy with my brain as it is right now."
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