On Montag, 5. Mai 2008, Wolf Canis wrote:
> Volker Armin Hemmann wrote:
> > extremly long. So long that you have to start ooo several times a day for
> > a year so that the saved startup time equalizes the time spent compiling
> > it.

> "ccache" in make.conf is enabled and MAKEOPTS has a reasonable value, I
> have set it
> to "-j2". I follow the rule MAKEOPTS=<number CPUS>. But in the case of
> openoffice, the
> ebuild overwrite this value  with "-j1". For the version 2.3.x I had set
> the variable
> WANT_MP but with version 2.4  it breaks the build. But how you can see
> in the following,
> that's only a minor problem.

or not. So everything bigger than -j1 breaks the built. Which makes dual core 
cpus useless to speed up compilation.

> wolf-di6400 0(0) 03:04 PM  ~ # qlop -gH openoffice
> openoffice: Fri May  2 16:22:23 2008: 1 hour, 20 minutes, 38 seconds
> openoffice: Sat May  3 04:06:11 2008: 1 hour, 19 minutes, 12 seconds
> openoffice: 2 times

emerge -p openoffice-bin|genlop -p
These are the pretended packages: (this may take a while; wait...)

[ebuild   R   ] app-office/openoffice-bin-2.4.0

Estimated update time: 2 minutes.

> > If you are even able to. Openoffice is a bitch to compile. Even the
> > slightest change might break the compilation. It really, really sucks.
> > IMHO openoffice is a nice example for everything that is wrong.
> I can't this confirm.

go to b.g.o and see the countless reports. Or the forums. Or have a look at 
the ebuild for all the crap that is there just to get the POS ooo compiled.

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