On Wed, Apr 30, 2008 at 7:39 AM,  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  I'm going to try a saner approach to getting it updated.  I thought
>  the first move would be to set the make.profile to 2007 then
>  emerge --sync

Before changing the profile are you clean with emerge -pvDuN
--with-bdeps=y world? (Or at a minimum 'system').

Personally I want to be careful about changing profiles with my system
not totally up to date. I'm also running eix-test-obsolete to make
sure I'm not masking something I should really be using. So, just
sitting here thinking, this is likely overkill but I think safe:

emerge -pvDuN --with-bdeps=y world
emerge -p --depclean
emerge -pvDuN --with-bdeps=y world
revdep-rebuild -p

Assuming everything is totally clean, or at least understood, now I
change the profile and repeat the above tasks.

Good luck,
gentoo-user@lists.gentoo.org mailing list

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