Abraham Marín Pérez wrote:
> Dan Cowsill escribió:
>> Is there any specific process to or problems one might encounter as a
>> result of switching from a Genkernel built kernel over to a manually
>> built kernel?
>> Thanks.
> As far as I can think of it would be enough getting the config file
> generated by genkernel, editing it through make config or similar and
> go ahead. Actually, if you take it as is it would work, but probably
> you'll have lots of stuff you don't want/need, so your task will be
> mainly tuning it down; be careful with those things you think you
> don't need, I'd cut parameters away in several step (change config,
> build, install, try a couple of days, then change again).
> HTH,
> Abraham

And always keep a working kernel as a backup just in case you get a bad
one.  I keep a few for that reason myself like this:

> [EMAIL PROTECTED] / # ls -al /boot/bzImage-2.6.*
> -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 2189488 Jan  4  2007
> /boot/bzImage-2.6.18.gentoo-r6-1
> -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 2357808 Jun  8 05:47 /boot/bzImage-2.6.20-r8-1
> -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 2389616 Jun  8 07:01 /boot/bzImage-2.6.20-r8-2
> -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 2396880 Jun 13 01:53 /boot/bzImage-2.6.20-r8-3

I try to keep one from a earlier version plus at least one older of the
current version.  Also, you may want to keep a copy of the .config file
too.  It can be a life saver.

I hope that helps.


:-)  :-) 

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