On 8/1/07, Abraham Marín Pérez <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Dan Cowsill escribió:
> > Is there any specific process to or problems one might encounter as a
> > result of switching from a Genkernel built kernel over to a manually
> > built kernel?
> >
> As far as I can think of it would be enough getting the config file
> generated by genkernel, editing it through make config or similar and go
> ahead.

Only other thing I ran into (admittedly in 2004 or 2005 or so) is if
genkernel is doing any initrd-magick for you you'll need to either
understand it and do it yourself, or config your kernel so all that
stuff is built-in.  It was a little embarrassing when none of my JFS
partitions got found on that first reboot.  Keep a boot CD or DVD in
case of real disaster, and configure your current boot kernel as an
alternative choice in GRUB until you get the hand-rolled version
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