On Tue, 2006-08-22 at 16:12 +0200, Alan Mckinnon wrote:
> modify CFLAGS in /etc/make.conf
> emerge -e system
> emerge -s world
> This will rebuild your toolchain (gcc, glibc and friends) to use -O2
> then rebuild the entire system, including the toolchain again, with -O2.
> Your current compiler was built with -O3, and you want to rebuild the
> system using a compiler compiled as -O2, hence the 2 step process.

Correct me if I am wrong, but doesn't the gcc ebuild in fact use the
"make bootstrap" method of compiling gcc? - that is:
1. compile with installed compiler -> stage1
2. compile with stage1 compiler -> stage2
3. compile with stage2 compiler -> stage3
4. compare stage2 and stage3 and install stage3 if they are the same

If I am right, doesn't it mean that the whole "emerge -e system" step is
pointless? Couldn't one just do "emerge -u gcc" and then "emerge -e
world"? Or am I being stupid?


Adrian Frith
083 393 1257 | 021 531 8719 | http://frith.co.za/~adrian/

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