Rafael Fernández López schrieb:

        I know that lots of you don't know "dpkg-reconfigure", well, it will
write the /etc/whatever.conf file for you asking you in an interactive
way what do you want to do.

But etc-update is interactive as well, isn't it?

process, so I'd suggest to print information (or warning) messages in a
more efficient way, for example: AT THE END OF THE EMERGE PROCESS, not
at the end of each package emerge process. I think that
not so necessary if all messages are printed out at the end of the
global emerge process.

I used to think the same, but changed my mind with the introduction
of PORTAGE_ELOG_SYSTEM="mail" (or actually, ="custom"). Reason: This
way, I get all the messages mailed to me, for me to review. That's
*IMO* even better. Reason: You get the messages earlier and suppose
the system crashes in the middle of the emerge. If all the messages
were just shown at the end, some messages might be lost.

No. With the advent of PORTAGE_ELOG_*, everything is fine as far as
I'm concerned.

Alexander Skwar
Im Endeffekt war alles cooler als letztes Jahr, obwohl
ich bis Donnerstag dachte, das es nicht geht.
                -- Igor Gilitschenski
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