I am trying to upgrade to kernel 2.6.15-r1 from 2.6.12-r4. Now that we are in the brave new world of udev, My Fusion MPT 1030 scsi controller has suddenly become invisible to the kernel - read no devices being created.
Platform - AMD Opteron Dual Processor 270
Tyan MoBo
My favorite, LSIs lovely scsi controller
Buit to i686
I have -
1) inserted sleep statements in linuxrc
2) used scandelay=X where X is some integer greater than 10
3) used doload=mptspi
4) compiled the drives into the kernel directly (mptbase, mptscsih, mptspi)
5) built other kernels
6) insert commands into linuxrc to show the state of the system as booting occurs.
Gentoos boot/install cd does not recognise this hardware (It's using 2.6.15-r5)
This is true using both the x86 image and the x86_64 image.
However, booting to 2.6.12-r4 (devfs/udev hybrid) works fine.