On 3/29/06, Ow Mun Heng <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hmm.. seems to me, you do like your laptops big and heavy and bulky. :-)
> IIRC, you had a P4 chip in your last laptop? (was that you?)

Yep, except that 'luggable' incurred severe lid cracking last summer
and I had to replace it.  So I purchased a 2.1Ghz P-M 6lb notebook to
use for about 6 months until the first Core Duo came available.  That
was a nice notebook, even with a 15.4" screen, I found it to be very

This is my first notebook with a 17" screen, which I really do
like...except when I have to carry it! That's why I call it a
'luggable'. ;->


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