Are you sure that it was a Pentium M and not a Pentium4-M or just the
p4s? There is a signicant difference. With all the benchmarks I've
seen, the Pentium Ms beat all the other processors in terms of power
consumption and heat and in a lot of cases, performance. it even
outdoes the P4s and the FX series amds. Tomshardware even has
benchmarks claiming such a thing (which is odd since they're usually
anti-intel). It is after all, a souped up P3 which allows it to have a
faster clock speed than the p4s even when running with fewer ghz.
Lord Sauron wrote:
That's the cheapest X60 with Core Duo. HOWEVER:
I'd still highly recommend a AMD Turion. Well... I'd even more
strongly suggest just waiting, all you prospective laptop buyers. A
Dual Core Turion64 is coming *very* soon. The Turion64s murdered the
Pentium M processors in not just speed but power efficiency. My
Athlon1400 could kill a Pentium 4 2.4GHz any time. My Athlon64 can
destroy the fastest non-dual core Pentium 4 (extreme editions exempted
- I don't know anyone with one to compare the performance with). Acer
makes good laptops with AMD chips.
Just for laughs, Intel just released a new Pentium4 Ext.Ed. (Dual
core, 955) to counter the FX-60 from AMD. PC World tested the chip...
the FX-60 was ~30% faster while being about $30 cheaper.
Okay, I'll stop evangelising AMD now. Thanks for listening (it makes
me feel somewhat important).
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