
Oops, lost the thread "turning off dhcp" end.

Thanks to Neil. Both boxen can ping each other.

Now to clear up a few loose ends:

Why on the fresh(2.6.15) install does net.eth0 start
automatically and the older(2.6.12) have to be started
manually? Is this a bug or a feature?

I note the abundance of choices in portage/net-ftp.
What do I need? I'll just be moving files back and
forth. I don't think security is an issue. Is ftp all
I need? The 2.6.12(Sempron) will be the "main"
machine, connected to the web via diallup.
The 2.6.15(K6) I plan to use as a platform for micro

emerge -pv ftp on the 2.6.12 
Calculating dependencies ...done!
[ebuild  N    ] net-ftp/ftp-0.17-r3  +ssl 52 kB 

but the 2.6.15 adds the +ipv6 flag. Neither make.conf
mentions it. Does the .15, AMD K6-2, know something I


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