> -----Original Message-----
> From: Stroller [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: 07 February 2006 02:05
> To: gentoo-user@lists.gentoo.org
> Subject: Re: [gentoo-user] Wireless print server recommendations
> On 6 Feb 2006, at 18:03, John J. Foster wrote:
> >
> > I'm looking for recommendations for a wireless print server with a
> > minimum of 1 USB2.0 port and 1 parallel port. I currently have a  
> > Linksys
> > WRT4GS router running openWRT Linux firmware...
> >
> > Does anyone have any recommendations that:
> >    1)  Works just fine in a Linux environment.
> ...
> >    4)  Supports a HPDeskJet 5550 printer. (I only mention 
> this because
> >    some reviewers have mentioned that the WPS54GS doesn't 
> work with  
> > some
> >    USB printers.)
> As a datapoint I tried the Netgear PS121 USB print server and it was  
> failed with my Canon Pixima ip3000 under both Mac OS X & Windows.  
> These things mostly seem very flakey & Windows-centric and it sounds  
> like you're lucky to have a good one with the Linux Linksys.
> http://www.netgear.co.uk/usb_print_server_ps121.php
> Stroller.

Unfortunately I have no wireless printer server experience, but the
following response may provide some supporting information:

Unlike Stroller's experience above, the PS121 works like a dream with
Cups and the HP DeskJet 930C printer (hpijs driver). I think that I have
written something here about setting it up, but I can't access the link
right now to check:


Also there is a Netgear compatibility list which is pretty incomplete,
but at the bottom of the page there are some printers which
categorically fail to work with netgear print servers:


Most of these are CAPT and GDI printers which rely on proprietary
command sets and will not work with simple print servers like the PS121.
Additionally, the PS121 will not support anything else other than the
printing function of All-In-One printers.  Not only that, but faxing,
copying, etc. would probably require that the PS121 is disconnected and
perhaps the All-In-One printer rebooted.  Bi-directionality between
printer and computer is not always supported by the PS121 server - in my
setup it is not supported either on Linux, or M$Windoze.

Please let us know what you find on the wireless front, although I
suspect that it ain't going to be cheap, especially if your printer is
of the CAPT/GDI variety (mind you, it doesn't look as if it is).
Proprietary printer servers are 4-5 times the cost of a simple TCP/IP
PS121.  More if you want wireless connectivity on top.

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