I'd like to update world ofter a sync this morning but taking a look at: `emerge -v -Dup world'
Shows several kde-3.5 and several kde-3.4.3 (I'm currently running 3.4.1). There has been discussion here about slots but I didn't notice anyone asking about or telling about how to avoid this unecessary double whammy. Also wondering if my /etc/portage.keywords has some bearing on this so it is also included below emerge output: emerge -v -uDp worls output below but only kde stuff. (wrapped for mail) [ebuild U ] kde-base/arts-3.4.3 [3.4.1-r2] +alsa +arts -artswrappersuid -debug -esd -hardened -jack -kdeenablefinal +mp3 -nas +vorbis +xinerama 922 kB [ebuild U ] kde-base/kdelibs-3.4.3 [3.4.1-r1] +alsa +arts +cups -debug -doc -jpeg2k -kdeenablefinal -kerberos -openexr +spell +ssl +tiff +xinerama -zeroconf 16,482 kB [ebuild U ] kde-base/kdebase-3.4.3-r1 [3.4.1-r1] +arts +cups -debug -hal -ieee1394 -java -kdeenablefinal -ldap -lm_sensors -logitech-mouse -openexr +opengl +pam +samba +ssl +xinerama 21,908 kB [ebuild U ] kde-base/kdenetwork-3.4.3 [3.4.1-r1] +arts -debug -kdeenablefinal -rdesktop -slp +ssl -wifi +xinerama +xmms 7,192 kB [ebuild NS ] kde-base/arts-3.5.0 +alsa +arts -artswrappersuid -debug -esd -jack -kdeenablefinal +mp3 -nas +vorbis +xinerama 927 kB [ebuild NS ] kde-base/kdelibs-3.5.0 -acl +alsa +arts +cups -debug -doc -jpeg2k -kdeenablefinal -kerberos -openexr +spell +ssl +tiff +xinerama -zeroconf 15,019 kB [ebuild NS ] kde-base/kdebase-3.5.0-r1 +arts +cups -debug -hal -ieee1394 -java -kdeenablefinal -ldap -lm_sensors -logitech-mouse -openexr +opengl +pam +samba +ssl +xinerama -zeroconf 22,688 kB Cat /etc/portage/package.keywords: app-editors/bvi ~x86 app-editors/vim ~x86 app-editors/emacs-cvs ~x86 dev-perl/gimp-perl ~x86 media-video/cinelerra-cvs ~x86 dev-db/mysql ~x86 app-backup/bacula ~x86 app-shells/ksh ~x86 app-portage/gentoolkit ~x86 media-sound/audacity ~x86 mail-filter/spamassassin ~x86 kde-base/kdebase ~x86 kde-base/kdelibs ~x86 kde-base/arts ~x86 kde-base/kdegraphics x86 kde-base/kde-env x86 kde-base/kdeartwork x86 kde-base/kdeutils x86 kde-base/kdenetwork x86 -- gentoo-user@gentoo.org mailing list