Am Donnerstag, 17. November 2005 17:19 schrieb ext Jorge Almeida:

> Did it. Upon reboot, I had /dev/external_hd and /dev/external_hd1, but
> only /dev/plextor_memstick (i.e., no mountable /dev/plextor_memstick1).
> I unplugged the stick and turned off the HD case. I plugged back the
> stick. Now /dev/plextor_memstick and /dev/plextor_memstick1 exist, as
> they should. I turned the case on. Well, no /dev/external_hd...

Hmm. Where do you plug in the devices? Into a USB hub, or into the machines 
USB ports directly? If you plug the devices into a hub, and the HD does not 
have an own power supply, the devices may simply not get enough power to 
run troublefree.


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