On 11/12/05, Mrugesh Karnik <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> So what I tried
> was to enable the VIA drivers in the kernel. It then compiled both
> drm.ko and via.ko and also via_drv.o, but the via_drv.o never left the
> /usr/src directory.

Which is the exactly correct and expected behavior.

> > I don't understand why you don't have this file.  The only case this
> > should be missing is if you have USE=minimal.  Could you please post
> > the output of "emerge -pv xorg-x11"?
> I surely didn't use the minimal flag. The first time I had enabled
> insecure-drivers and disabled font-server. Then after reading your first
> email, I tried to compile it with the same USE flags as yours.

Ok, if I am reading the xorg configuration files correctly (which are
a bit complex...to say the least), it seems the via driver is disabled
by default when compiling for the AMD64 architecture.

> Not to
> mention, FC4 uses "vesa" and works perfectly. I wonder what's going on
> with Gentoo :(

Too many variables to answer that question...kernel versions, kernel
configuration, kernel patches, frame buffer options, xorg versions,
xorg patches, and so on.  You could try to eliminate some of those
variables by using the same kernel version & .config under both.


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