On 2025/01/12 13:22, Michael wrote:
On Sunday 12 January 2025 10:41:23 Greenwich Mean Time n952162 wrote:
Thank you, that gave me the hint I needed for the first step ... I use
an ssh option for nixos that's not need for gentoo: /"-o
You can use a user password to login over SSH or public key.  It is a matter
of configuring the sshd accordingly and using either method from the client.


But now I've got a new problem (or problems) that might be gentoo-related:

     /Warning: XDG_RUNTIME_DIR is not defined
       and '/run/user/1010' does not exist
       using '/tmp'
     server socket for display :2 not found
I don't know anything about xpra, but the error points to a user account not
being available/configured correctly?

I'm thinking it has to do with the configuration of the configuration
files, as used by both server and client, locally and remotely.

Have you tried connecting locally on the server with no user (you'll be
already logged in), before you try connecting from the client remotely using
the correct user@host incantation?

That was a good idea, logging in locally.  I got the same error, though.

       waiting up to 20 seconds

     xpra initialization error:
       cannot find live server for display :2

$XDG_RUNTIME_DIR *does* exist, on the server and the client.
/run/user/1010 exists on the (nixos) client, but there's no /run/user on
gentoo (that I can see). Therefore, my $XDG_RUNTIME_DIR is set to
~/.xpra, which is present and rwe by the user, as is ~/.xdg/xpra.
There's a ~/.xdg/xpra/2/socket with a recent timestamp.  There's nothing
relevant in /tmp on the server or the client.

Clearly related is this, when I try to stop xpra on the server:

     /$ xpra stop
     xpra initialization error:
       cannot find any live servers to connect to/
     /$ ps -ef | grep xpra
     user   2544     1  0 09:58 ?        00:00:01 /usr/bin/python3.11
     /bin/xpra start :2 --st.../
Hmm ... the UID cannot say "user" unless you created the username as "user"?

It was anonymized.

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