On Sunday 12 January 2025 10:41:23 Greenwich Mean Time n952162 wrote:
> Thank you, that gave me the hint I needed for the first step ... I use
> an ssh option for nixos that's not need for gentoo: /"-o
> PreferredAuthentications=password"/

You can use a user password to login over SSH or public key.  It is a matter 
of configuring the sshd accordingly and using either method from the client.

> But now I've got a new problem (or problems) that might be gentoo-related:
>     /Warning: XDG_RUNTIME_DIR is not defined
>       and '/run/user/1010' does not exist
>       using '/tmp'
>     server socket for display :2 not found

I don't know anything about xpra, but the error points to a user account not 
being available/configured correctly?

Have you tried connecting locally on the server with no user (you'll be 
already logged in), before you try connecting from the client remotely using 
the correct user@host incantation?

>       waiting up to 20 seconds
>     xpra initialization error:
>       cannot find live server for display :2
>     /
> $XDG_RUNTIME_DIR *does* exist, on the server and the client.
> /run/user/1010 exists on the (nixos) client, but there's no /run/user on
> gentoo (that I can see). Therefore, my $XDG_RUNTIME_DIR is set to
> ~/.xpra, which is present and rwe by the user, as is ~/.xdg/xpra. 
> There's a ~/.xdg/xpra/2/socket with a recent timestamp.  There's nothing
> relevant in /tmp on the server or the client.
> Clearly related is this, when I try to stop xpra on the server:
>     /$ xpra stop
>     xpra initialization error:
>       cannot find any live servers to connect to/
>     /
>     /
>     /$ ps -ef | grep xpra
>     user   2544     1  0 09:58 ?        00:00:01 /usr/bin/python3.11
>     /bin/xpra start :2 --st.../

Hmm ... the UID cannot say "user" unless you created the username as "user"?

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